Before becoming today’s 数一数二的名嘴, this pair of male and female hosts was more 脏嘴 than 名嘴.
I remember I gotten both to host an outdoor event for one of my promotional tours and both were happily bantering in dirty jokes on stage. The response was tremendous and the audience cheered and laughed along….except….
I received a feedback the next day from the press that there was a lady who complained about the X-rated jokes there were so blatantly shared in public and she felt humiliated and worried for those kids in the audience…
The then TV大哥大 who was the boss of the station summoned the two of them to his office. Both were initially very defensive and couldn’t see what the big fuss was all about and claimed that one negative feedback was nothing compared to the ‘warm’ response they got.
大哥大 immediately pointed out to them sternly that any hosts could crack dirty jokes and gotten that sort of a response.
“不要自以为很了不起, 任何开黄腔的烂主持人都能做到全场哄堂…”
“如果你们能做到这一点, 你们才是最好的主持人”
From that day onwards, I never once came across another situation when either one of them had to resort to cracking dirty jokes to get the audience’s emotions on the high side.
From 脏嘴 to 名嘴, both have evolved to become the pillars of MediaCorp’s variety shows today. I still remember what they said after getting a ‘lecture’ that day: “老板英明”