When he was alive, no press reporters were interested in getting his quotes on any matters or interviewing him on any shows he played a role in...they were only interested in MediaCorp's 7 Princesses, the Ah-Ge and Ah-Jies. Now that MC King is gone, he became the 'hottest' 红星 hogging front page headline news.
You read about regrets on a talent 'wasted', how he was such a filial son...etc, etc. Why didn't anyone give him the media exposure he deserved when he was alive?
This is a cruel yet realistic world. People want to read and mourn a dead star more than finding out about a young star or one who may still be struggling to get more media exposures. Or are press editors over-assuming too much about their 'salary-paying' audience out there?
我最后一次遇见MC King是在几个星期前的红星大奖情牵25颁奖典礼之后,其他艺人们正鱼贯的离开电视大礼堂,往庆功宴的方向前进,但他却忙着收起有些艺人留在座位上或掉在地上的入场证;我看到他眼睛微泛泪光,MC带着难过神情地告诉我说,这些入场证代表着值得珍藏的回忆,是很特别的。MC King是个感情丰富而且念旧的人,他的骤然离开对所有认识他的人来说,是十分震惊和感伤的。
So...before the next 'star' leaves this planet, if you know a little about him or her or someone around you...积一点德吧 (especially journalists who want to dig into only 'bad news')...give a little bit more attention, care a little bit of those hard working stars because the world is a better place with a little bit more love. Better late than never.
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