I met 汪太后 at Ren Ci Charity Show’s rehearsal years ago. I brought the media to see the full dress rehearsal and something happened….
She was very upset about an arrangement. Apart from her item which she came fully prepared with a medley of yesteryear’s songs in her white-feather costume, she was very angry to be told she had to appear at the beginning of the show together with the rest of the artistes. Her reason: she wasn’t told beforehand and she didn’t prepare any costume to go with that segment.
Nobody dared to persuade her to give in and no reporters moved an inch to interview a very angry 大姐大. It was 明义法师 who managed to get her smiling again and agreeing to ‘make do’ and appear in a local designer’s costume.
‘To make do’ is a tabooed subject when it comes to 汪太后. IMO, she is a perfectionist and a real pro in ensuring every standard of a performance is met. It is an art form to her and she is super serious that this art form gets the respect and recognition.
Some producers and media reporters were unhappy and felt she 耍大牌. With her wealth of knowledge backed by many decades of experience and dedication, she can afford to give you the ‘I care less’ attitude and insist on things done her way.
To pursue excellence, you can’t be a nice softy sometimes…but before you do that, make sure you are brilliant in what you are already doing or risk being labeled as 耍大牌 (a term usually used to describe an ‘unworthy’ star trying to 'act big time').
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