Modern city people are getting less and less interested in CNY... To many, it may be a chore to do the rounds of visits, a time when singles will be most hard pressed by relatives to get hooked, a 'hole in the pocket' or just another holiday. But, you can't run away lah...unless you are some 'ang-mohs'...
Chinese New Year songs are definitely the 'must-have' if you want to rub off some sort of CNY atmosphere. In recent years, you are finding fewer and fewer new CNY albums. Recording labels are just not doing it citing high cost and short term seasonal shelve life as reasons.
At least, MediaCorp is still coming up with newer version each year. The album has become more meaty with better singers like Project SuperStar, Campus SuperStar and SuperBand joining the staple of MediaCorp artistes.
Before the album hit the stores, here's a 1st peek at what you can get out of it (16 songs in 1 album!) and you will be 1st to catch a glimpse of our stars all dressed up for the occasion here:
新传媒艺人: 大团圆
Gurmit Singh 、欧菁仙: 凤阳花鼓
王建复、王禄江、郭亮、杨志龙、许振荣: 万事如意
陈伟联、洪俊扬: 新年快乐
权怡凤、钟琴、李心钰、黄慧、赵彩菱、谢韵仪、庄米雪: 大家恭喜
潘嘉丽、石欣卉: 春
迷路兵: 唱首新年歌
陈之财、李锦梅、陈汉伟、许美珍: 招财进宝
郑惠玉: 新年好
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